Sunday, 7th June 2020
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Whilst we are unable meet, we hope that these online services will help you to worship, seek God and continue in fellowship with our church family. We also welcome anyone who doesn’t currently know us and we look forward to meeting you when restrictions are lifted!



Let’s worship and declare these words together. Many thanks to Matt & Leanne for recording this… I Will Say.

Our second song this morning is What A Beautiful Name. Thank you Phill!

Children’s Video

Thank you Jen for putting this together and serving our kids so well, even from a distance! Where is Joe today?…


Today our sermon comes from John Peel who is speaking on Matthew 28:16-20.

Stay For Coffee…

Every Sunday, 11:00am on Zoom

Whilst we regularly meet with our home groups over video calls, we really miss time together as a whole church family on a Sunday morning. We are now hosting a weekly Zoom meeting for our regulars to catch up with each other. This happens from 11:00am every Sunday. The Zoom invitation has been sent out to all who we have details for but if you haven’t received the invitation, please contact office@yeovilfamilychurch.org so we can add you to the email list. I’m afraid we’ll have to ask you to provide your own tea/coffee!

Reflections for the Week

These thoughts and questions have come from John Peel to help us consider his message and apply it as we go into the ahead…

Every blessing my friend,

Questions from Matthew 28:16-20. There’s a measure of overlap in each of these questions so please don’t just set out to try and answer all three. The first question is introductory and, though not actually touched on in the sermon is intended to set the scene and provoke meaningful discussion.

  1. Why do you think it was so important for Jesus to “sandwich” his commands between v. 18 and the end of v. 20?
  2. Discuss the four definitions Jesus gives as his norm for what constitutes being a true “disciple”. A disciple is someone who…
    a. Has at the very least understood and believed who Jesus is, (“All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me.) and what he did in and through his death and resurrection.
    b. Is willing to publicly confess Him as Lord and Saviour, (“calling on the name of their Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit”) through baptism.
    c. Daily follows and obeys him whatever the cost. (“When Jesus calls a man he bids him come and die!” – Deitrich Bonhoeffer)
    d. Is increasingly becoming more like Jesus in heart and character. (This is the significance of the word “disciple” it meaning, to learn from and become like.
  1. Bearing in mind the scattering caused by persecution (Acts 8 & 11) that produced more and more disciples wherever they went, consider the Mike Betts quote and discuss its implications.

“The move of God in Antioch came through people not sent, in a place not intended, amongst people unacceptable and at a time unplanned”. Better put the flip chart & 5 year plan away!”

Is it possible that our plans, however sincerely made, could possibly cause us to take our eye oi the ball, substituting increasing numbers gathered, professionalism achieved and social relevance for making genuine disciples?

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Aiming to be a church of biblically authentic disciples. Loving and serving Jesus Christ and our community. Doing life together.

Yeovil Family Church (Office: Mon-Thurs, 9:30am-4:30pm), 164 Preston Road, Yeovil, BA20 2EQ.
Tel: 01935 425369. Email: office@yeovilfamilychurch.org
Registered Charity 1157473. Company No. 8993640.

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Newfrontiers Commission Evangelical alliance
easyfundraising for Yeovil Family Church